
Yesterday night I had  a nightmare, I was in a station never seen before. I just went out from the train when I was stopped by two policemen who asked me to show my documents. Surprised, I started searching them everywhere, in my bag, in my pockets, in the suitcase. Everything was there: garments and each other object.
At first I was calm but then I understood it wasn't my suitcase. I was so scared and I began looking around the station in order to escape from the policemen.
The station slowly became a lager surrounded by barbed wire: I was a prisoner and the two policemen were now two soldiers. Terrified I awoke, my heart was beating so fastly that I needed some minutes to realize it was not real, but only a bad nightmare.


Yesterday night: vocabulary choice
I had a nightmare: collocation
Never seen before: fixed phrase
They asked me to show my documents: verb structure
I began looking around: vocabulary choice, phrasal verb
Barbed wire: collocation

False friend:

Tremendous: enormous

Phrasal verbs:

To descend: get off
To extract: take out


Garment: a piece of clothing

Fixed phrases of the day:

taken unawares..
I couldn't agree more..
I agree with you up to a point..
You may be right but..


Assumption: will, should..
Deduction: must, can't, couldn't..
Possibility: may, might, could..