Is this the start of the second dotcom bubble?

Usefull vocabulary:
Bubble (noun), balloon (noun), to inflate (verb), to burst (verb).
Economic (adj), Economical (adj.: cheap).

This article deals with a possible new dotcom bubble. Twitter is the perfect example of an overvalued company. Other experts, on the othe other hand, think ther's not a new bubble, but only a big deal of money ready to attract investments.

New words:
Goldrush: corsa all'oro
.. of snow: spruzzata di neve
.. of wind: raffica di vento
..of.. : moltitudine, ondata di..
To flurry: mettere in agitazione
To be in a flurry: essere agitato, confuso.
..of company: lancio
..of shares: emissione
..of currency: fluttuazione
Start up: avvio
To start up: iniziare
Seldom: raramente
Seldom if ever: quasi mai
Hangout: ritrovo abituale
Frenzy: frenesia, momento di follia.